Wednesday, March 1, 2017

new computer

Mark bought a new computer. Not sure if I should start blogging devotions and trip post or to keep using my phone to do it. Warning  Hi-tech mom is on  the loose and not sure where post go.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Secret of the Ages volume 3

Just read volume 3 of the Secret of the Ages 1925/26.
Timeless information on how to be successful

To the extent that we cooperate
 with Wisdom and power of God,
we are successful and blessed

"Taste and see that the Lord is good"

The earth is full of His goodness

He will show us the path of life
There is Joy in His presence

The Infinite goodness of God
is available to every one today

You must
1)  learn and understand law
2) apply principles

God directs the mind for Good
if you practice applying it daily

Every thought that is  right and good
goes to God and returns with the
power to accomplish it

I you don't know the right way
then turn to God for guidance

Our mind is just  a conductor
as good or bad as you make it
for the power of God and our
thought is the connecting energy

Ask, Seek, Find
The law of life in
Unity with God

Solomon, "With all thy
getting, get understanding"

Proverbs = Wisdom

Inspiration = The Inner Consciousness

Subconscious - storehouse of
knowledge collected of a lifetime

To retrieve when needed
1) gain all information you can
2) recline, relax, rest
3) let your mind dwell
    do not worry or fret
     It will come to you

There is a solution to every problem
no matter how complicated or simple
just requires understanding and faith

"without vision the people perish"
The ability to visualize what can be
increases your capabilities to solve
problems and be successful in all yo do

Day dream with a purpose

The only limit to your capabilities
is that which you place on them

Ideas are as countless as the
sand on the sea shore- use them

Aim high
don't sell yourself short

"Control your thoughts
and you control circumstances"

Wishing and worrying are a waste of time
Redirect your mind.
Do not limit the power of your mind

" Know you not that you are
 the temple of the living God"

Every human experience
 has a cause and an effect

Thackery paraphrase
"The world is a looking glass
and gives back to every man
the reflection of his thoughts"

Thought control action,
 controlled by the mind
and is directed by us

Walt Whit quote
" Nothing external has
any power over me"

We can be tomorrow
what we think today.
Thoughts are causes
and conditions effect

Scripture says,
"As a man thinketh in
 his heart, so  is he.

Expel any intruding and
obnoxious thought from
our  mind as we would
shake a rock out of our shoe

Free yourself  from mental
torment which is 9/10 of all
torments of life today

God is good - practice daily these
Mental exercise of right thinking
1)  Stretch your mind to realize
     how far it can reach
2) Breath out all old thoughts
    of sickness, discouragement
    failure, worry and fear
3) Breath in deep long breathes
   (thoughts) of health, strength
    happiness and success
4) Practice looking forward to
     to something better,  finer
     greater, happier, bigger

Exhale bad - Inhale good

Get that second wind like a racer.
Stored up in all of us is a great
reserve of energy that most
know nothing about- use it

Give up worry
Be industrious
Do not be anxious

Human progress
age of liberty
freedom from bondage

"Be not  anxious for tomorrow
but seek first the kingdom of God
all these things will be added to you"

" I came that you may have life
and have it more abundantly"

"Blessed is the man who delights
 in the law of the Lord...
whatever  he does will prosper"

Don't worry -  Don't doubt
Don't dig up seed to check on it
Forget fears

Opportunities are
 infinite and

Begin work now
To begin is to complete
Do it well

Be not afraid
According to your faith
be it unto you

Learn something everyday
Find  a need
then supple that need

I think that Robert Collier could
be a motivational speaker today
as well as back in his day.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

"The secrets of the Ages" 1925/26

I spent a lazy, raining afternoon reading
"The Secret of the Ages" Volume #2 1925/26.
 Robert Collier quoted scripture and scholars
 of the day to share secrets of success.

I loved all these quotes,
 remembering they are written in 1925/26.
"The new idea is..."
"Now, more than ever..."
"The modern idea of..."
"The time will come..."
"For modern man..."

Everything begins with an idea.
Mind =creative principle
Thought=eternal energy

Every experience=results of mental attitude
What we do - What we are - What we have
depends on what we think

Thought process - We can all look at the
 same thing and perceive it different  
The fable of the elephant and 3 blind men
Perception: 1 - Tree (leg)
                   2 - Wall (side)
                   3 - rope (tail)

"If you have the faith of a mustard seed....
nothing is impossible"

Thoughts are powerful
Your choice
We find what we are looking for

Lack of faith in God
Not believing truth
doubt when time comes

Doubting is like trying to
 reach east by heading west

Doubting = attracts failure
Doubting = repels success

Our minds can originate thoughts
therefore create and succeed in
whatever we can think

Pascal quote "Our achievements
 today  are nothing but the sum
of our thoughts of yesterday"

Path of wisdom begins with the
understanding of who God is.

Know what you want

There is something within urging us
to do better
be better
have better
Collier calls it ambition
I call it the Holy Spirit

Remember, there is no condition that is hopeless
Darkness is merely a lack of light
Turn on Light and it vanishes instantly

Concentrate on one idea at at time
and believe and you will achieve

Scripture quoted
"Therefore, I say unto you, what things ye desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them."

"The Father that is within me, He does the work."

"As thy faith is, so be it unto you."

"The kingdom of Heaven is within you."

"God is good"

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above..."

Montgomery's quote,
 "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire"

Prayer is not merely asking favor
Prayer recognizes God's power

Pray, not as hypocrites,  to be see by man,
They have their heart's desire (reward)
To be seen by man.

Pray in your closet in secret
alone with your thoughts
and inner most sincere desire
reaches the Father of all

Believe in God's ability

Prayer is effective
"If it is right for you to have
it is right for you to pray for it"

Read Psalms to affirm
God's willingness and
power to answer prayer

Read Proverbs to affirm
wisdom is the greatest of
all hidden treasures

Read Scripture for aid
in thinking and writing
to realize there is no
lack of ideas

Read Scripture
 to nourish
your faith

Be sincerely thankful
and believe.

A few thoughts from an old book

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

5 Week journey - Blessed

We have been home for 5 weeks
That is a long time for us
Most of the time I have been visiting
Doctors or  staying in bed sick
or up pretending like I feel OK.

But, I realized I am  very blessed
Let me explain why.

We got  home on a Thursday
I felt nauseated and had a head ache
and  could not catch my breath
Friday, I felt very tired
But I blamed it on long trip
The weekend, I did not feel better
Monday, I called Doctor who was
out of town and was told to go to ER

Who goes to ER and says I am tired
So, I went to another Doctor and
he realized I was running a temperature
Gave me an antibiotic for infection
and asked me to see cardiologist

Went home for a week getting worse
fatigue, temp, nausea, aching body,
 head aches, shortness of breath
Went back to Doctor.
 His first words were
You just got back from woods,
did you see a tick or  a rash
Lets get you started on Antibiotic
&  blood test for Lyme's  disease
After weeks of extreme fatigue
on the 8th day of the correct drug
I felt better, not 100%, but better

In the mean time, I met with
 Cardiologist, he ran  test.
All my numbers are good
but, but my heart opens and
does not relax between beats
causing my shortness of breath.

It has been that way for a while
But it took the altitude and Lyme
to make us aware of the problem
The drug to fix this makes you tired
He is giving me 3 months to recoop
and will start my treatment then.

I stayed away from internet.
Did not want to get bad ideas
while Mark research the disease.
He took  such good care of me.

I hear  all kind of horror story
about what this disease can do
when not diagnosed early.
Usually at least 6 months
and sometime years because
the symptoms are so hard
to recognize and are like flu.
By then, it has destroyed.

My blood test came back
 5 x's  more than the number
necessary to diagnosis Lyme's
But all the numbers of effects on
 my body were negative.

The only explanation is finding
out so early that I have Lyme's
It took just the right set of
circumstances to recognize
symptoms this early.

Also,  catching this heart
problem  is a good thing and
 will be taken care of soon.

I told the Doctor that God does
that kind of stuff for me because
He kind of likes me.
The Doctor smiled and told
me that I was blessed
 and I agreed.

Thank you facebook friends
for the thoughts and prayers
during this 5 week journey

God is good
Life is good

Friday, July 4, 2014

Today is the 4th

Today is July fourth -
 Independence Day
The signing of the
 Declaration of Independence
The birth of a new Nation to
 some and BBQ day for others
It did not come easy or cheap..
.It took  a long Battle
It is a day to Remember

The fourth is a day to remember
in our family
Hugh was born on the 4th of January
 and lost a long battle
57 years and 4months later on
 the 4th (the same age I am now)

My Mother-in-law lost her very long
battle on the 4th of November,
showing us great grace and courage
 in her struggles with  cancer.

For two weeks, I have been fighting
 a battle of my own. Now, I am not as sick
 as a lot of folks, I am just not as healthy
 As I like to be and can not get my energy
 back.When you are busy, the idea of lying
around reading all day is very appealing.
 But because  of fever, drugs or infection,
 I just lay down and fall asleep. The reality
 is not as much fun. I know I went to bed with
 a fever, cause I had chills with 2 blankets.

This morning, because it is the 4th,
 I decided to read proverbs 4 and Psalms 4
 I found a little nugget right in the middle of
 Proverbs 4... verse 18
"The path of the righteous is like the dawn of
 light that shines brighter and brighter
until the full light of day (KJ) the Perfect day."

I love sunrise out in nature with natural light.
 You open your eyes and can barely
see until your eyes adjust and as you search
 around you things become brighter and
brighter until;  you can not believe what
  you did not see  before.

That is the way of  God's wisdom
Falling in love
Daily devotions
Open your eyes- seek

Psalms 4 made me feel better about my days in bed
"The Lord has set apart the godly for Himself
He hears when we call Him.  Meditate in your
heart upon your bed and be still.  I will lie down
in peace and sleep, for you alone,  Lord, will keep
me safe."

I don't now what is going  on yet.
But God does and He is in control.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

AND D=daily devotions

D  words for today go together Daily Devotion
Devotion is
Done by those who have a
Different priority than most
Daily actions
Determine priority
Don't put
Devotion at the end of
day to
do when you find the time
Determine to
do it every
Don't feel bad
days happen-life happens
Develop a plan
Decide time and place
Do it
Daily as
Duty until it becomes
Desire and the
Delight of your heart
DO it until you want to
DO devotions
Days that begin with
Devotions go so much better
DO not be
DO the best you can
Devil will
Do anything to keep you from
Devotional time even.
Doing good  can keep you from
Doing what is best
Do it now and
Discover nuggets of wisdom that
Delights and
Draws us closer to Him

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

ABC devotion-C= Character

C is the Letter for today
Character story from old movie

Coming home, we stayed in
Cheap Motel
Cause, it was late-I was tired
Causing me to say
Clean enough
Checked beds and bathroom
Carpet, not so much
causing us to keep shoes on
Cross street
Chinese Food
checked out little TV
Came across
cute old Movie
called "Mighty Ducks"
Creating memories
Cute bad boys
couple talented girls
Crummy championship
Coach that
Created havoc on
childhood  memories
crumbling innocents
causing him to hate his sport
changing his direction
Cooperate world
completed the
change in our hero
Cute Mom with a son with
Character who would not
Cheat - even when
Coach pushed hard
Courage is
Coach's old coach
comes back into His life
causing him to begin to
create a new paths as
causing him to really
care for the first time
changed directions in his
character and
career path
Championship won
Coach found
courage to return to sport
"Champion of the World "
coming across TV- movie over

Character is built slowly
Created over a lifetime of
Choices made daily
Chosen when others don't see
Choosing Honesty
Choose Integrity